شاهد معلمة تركية ترتدي ملابس مثيرة في الفصل الدراسي تثير جدلاً

وقت النشر : 2024/01/04 06:18:03 PM
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معلمة تركية ترتدي ملابس مثيرة في الفصل الدراسي تثير جدلاً



أثار مقطع فيديو لمعلمة اقتصاد تركية وهي ترتدي ملابس مثيرة أثناء شرحها الدرس لطلابها جدلاً واسعاً في مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي.



وظهرت المعلمة، التي تدعى فيدان أتالاي، في الفيديو وهي ترتدي تنورة قصيرة جداً، مما أثار انتقادات من بعض المستخدمين الذين رأوا أن مظهرها غير لائق في مكان العمل. في المقابل، دافع آخرون عن المعلمة، معتبرين أن حقها في ارتداء ما تريده.


ahmed salem

مؤسسة مجلة كيميت الآن، حاصلة على درجة الماجستير، مؤمنة بالحريات والإنسانية، مهتمة بنشر الاخبار علي مستوي العالم ، فكما يقال أن القلم أقوى من السيف.

مقالات ذات صلة

تعليق واحد

  1. By: Angela Joseph Better swimming. “We had the best experience this summer with Melissa and her staff! My children, ages 5 and 3 went from liking the water to little fish. The swim instructors were professional, built rapport with the kids, and pushed them to the next level! Thank you!” Ball Over Water is basically exactly as it sounds. It’s a game about keeping the ball in the air and out of the water. You’ll need a swimming pool, players, and a beach ball for each team. You can even play this game with only one person, but it’s much more exciting in a large group. Pool games are a great way to develop swimming skills and prepare children for the swim team experience because they are fun and offer competition. Games in the water are one of the most effective ways to work on specific areas, including endurance, stroke development and stronger breathing. Here are a few of our favorite pool games for children.
    Scorpion solitaire is a new variation of the popular card game. While … Our site hosts thousands of free online games. Check out the newest additions to our library or play a random game! Search our entire collection on Google. – In the 1980s, personal computers made solitaire more popular than ever. As players no longer needed to shuffle and deal with cards, solitaire games became even more convenient. FreeCell SolitaireAdvertisement Mahjong is a traditional game established in China about 100 years ago. Classic mahjong was played with 144 mahjong tiles and four players. It is a social game that allows friends and family to get together and have fun. The online mahjong rules are simple — match identical mahjong tiles that are not covered, and free from sides. Any special tiles such as flower tiles and season tiles can be matched. You can learn more about scoring and how to play mahjong by clicking the question mark in the upper-right corner of the mahjong games. You will want to challenge yourself by matching the tiles quickly because the game is timed. Best of all: You can play mahjong online — no download needed!

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