Keir Starmer announces UK tour in his first press conference as Prime Minister

Keir Starmer announces UK tour in his first press conference as Prime Minister

وقت النشر : 2024/07/06 04:58:28 PM
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After Thursday’s results, it has become clear to everyone about the mood of the nation and the country, what is expected of us and the mandate we have been given to bring about change. This mandate is not just to govern, it is a mandate where trust has been placed in us to change the country and deliver politics in a different way.


This change began yesterday as I appointed a new Government and we met for the first Labor Government Cabinet meeting in 2024, where I set out my expectations for standards, delivery and the trust the people have in us.


We also discussed implementation plans to achieve the required change, which I will personally chair. I will be touring across the UK to meet with senior officials to discuss issues and challenges and to establish a new and better way of working.


At the meeting, we also discussed the topic of economic growth as the main mission of our government, and I will meet with the mayors of major cities to discuss their role in achieving this growth throughout the country.


I will then travel to Washington for the NATO summit, where I will emphasize our country’s steadfast support for the alliance as well as our support for Ukraine. This policy and government will be about delivery and service, not about self-interest, as this is yesterday’s policy.

ahmed salem

مؤسسة مجلة كيميت الآن، حاصلة على درجة الماجستير، مؤمنة بالحريات والإنسانية، مهتمة بنشر الاخبار علي مستوي العالم ، فكما يقال أن القلم أقوى من السيف.

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