
The foreign news section is a section of the media, whether it is a newspaper, a TV channel or a website, that is concerned with covering events and news that happen in the world outside the local country. The foreign news section aims to provide comprehensive and balanced coverage of international events and political, economic, social and cultural developments in other countries and regions.

The editorial teams of the Foreign News Department monitor world events and gather information from various sources such as international news agencies, field correspondents, and foreign press sources. This information is analyzed and evaluated to determine which important and impactful stories to cover.

Areas of coverage in the foreign news section include political affairs such as elections, international conflicts and geopolitical tensions, economic events such as global trade and financial crises, and social and cultural events such as cultural, technological and artistic developments in the world.

Foreign news is edited professionally and objectively, as the information is presented accurately, credibly and without bias. Journalists and editors in the foreign news department use the usual journalistic methods such as conducting interviews, writing reports, preparing articles, and relying on photos and videos to communicate stories and events in a visual and exciting way.

Manchester erupts Tensions boiling over in Manchester now

Manchester erupts Tensions boiling over in Manchester now It’s going to be a long historic night for all the wrong…

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Man Punches Woman in 45-Second Match, World Watches in Silence

In a shocking and appalling event, a man was seen punching a woman during a public match that lasted a…

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High Alert: Wildfire Across Most of Southern Europe Affects Holiday Destinations

Current high wildfire risk areas in Europe As I observe the unfolding situation in southern Europe, it’s alarming to witness…

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House of Representatives complaint to Sky News over statement that Israel has a “desire for revenge” introduction

Sky News faces sharp criticism from the House of Representatives after its correspondent, Alex Crawford, accused Israel of having a…

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J.D.Vance and his ambivalent stance towards Trump and his supporters in the 2024 elections

In newly discovered statements from 2017, J.D.Vance, the current vice president in Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign, described some Trump supporters…

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Sameh Najjar: The German director with Palestinian roots brings cultures together on the big screen

Sameh Marie Najjar (born October 16, 1984 in Berlin) is a German film director, screenwriter, producer and businessman. His roots…

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Mira el intenso enfrentamiento en ‘Superevents All Stars’ que provoca la retirada de Tony Spina

La tensión ha alcanzado niveles críticos en ‘Supervivientes All Stars’, especialmente ahora que el reality show se acerca a su…

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韓國人氣女子組合2NE1於2009年推出並俘獲了全球數百萬粉絲的心,如今在分離多年後正式宣布回歸。 2016年,樂團震驚歌迷宣布解散,引起歌迷極大悲傷。 近年來,關於他們複合的傳聞越來越多,最終在7月21日晚間得到官方證實,這一消息吸引了數千名粉絲。   樂團成員之一的DARA(樸桑德拉)7月20日在台灣演出,她向歌迷暗示樂團復出的可能性,她說:“我們可能有機會再次站在舞台上,對吧?” 很多人沒想到官方確認來得這麼快,但7月21日,YG娛樂公司透過社群媒體發布了萬眾矚目的2NE1回歸消息。   YG在貼文中使用了該組合的一張舊宣傳照片,並配上金色的“WELCOME BACK”字樣,宣布將於10月至12月在首爾、大阪和東京舉行巡迴演唱會。 這篇貼文在各個社群媒體平台發布後短短一小時內就獲得了超過20萬個讚。  

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Rosenborg og Lllstrom møter flere avbrudd i kampen – kampen avlyst

mellom Rosenborg og Lillestrøm ble avbrutt flere ganger, noe som førte til at spillerne ble fjernet fra Lerkendal stadion for…

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shooting and attempted assassination of Trump during his election campaign

gunshots were heard at an election rally for former US President Donald Trump in Pennsylvania on Saturday. Video footage showed…

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