Donald Trump, President of the United States of America

وقت النشر : 2024/11/06 09:21:40 AM

Republican candidate Donald Trump has clinched the 2024 US presidential election, defeating his Democratic rival Kamala Harris, after he managed to cross the 270-vote barrier of the electoral college, after a fierce electoral battle and ongoing legal proceedings.

By defeating Kamala Harris, Donald Trump returned to the White House, becoming the 47th President of the United States of America, for a period of 4 years starting next January.

Republican candidate Donald Trump won the votes in the electoral college in the US presidential election, after winning a large number of states, including: North Carolina (16 votes), Utah (6 votes), Ohio (17 votes), Kansas (6 votes), Montana (4 votes). Trump also won in the states of Mississippi (6 votes), North Dakota (3 votes), South Dakota (3 votes), Wyoming (3 votes), Texas (40 votes), Nebraska (5 votes), and Louisiana (8 votes).

ahmed salem

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