سؤال يحير طلاب الشهادة الإعدادية 2024 ” جمع كلمة خيال”
وقت النشر : 2024/01/17 12:10:33 PM
تداولت جروبات الغش على موقع التواصل الاجتماعي “تليجرام”، تسريب امتحان اللغة العربية لطلاب الشهادة الإعدادية 2024 في محافظة القاهرة، للعام الدراسي الحالي 2023-2024.
وجاء في أوراق الامتحان المزعومة، سؤال في امتحان اللغة العربية للشهادة الإعدادية بالقاهرة، حير الطلبة، وهو اختر جمع كلمة خيال ومن بين الاختيارات: خيول – خيالة – أخيلة- أخوال، فيما سأل الطلاب عن جمع الكلمة.
وتداولت جروبات الغش شاومينج عبر منصة التواصل الاجتماعي «تليجرام»، قبل بدء انعقاد اللجان الامتحانية، صورًا لورقة امتحان اللغة الإنجليزية بمحافظة سوهاج، وامتحان اللغة العربية المنعقد في محافظة الغربية.
Lemme just start by talking about my initial feelings on this product. I straight-up hated it! I swear the first two to three times I went to use this, I could barely get any product onto my lashes no matter how much I wiggled the brush. It almost felt like the product had already dried out! I honestly thought I bought a bad tube of this stuff. • Step 1: Brush mascara through lashes, rolling brush while gliding from root to tip for an even coat. • Step 2: For maximum lash boosting effect, wait 30 seconds and repeat with a second application.• Step 3: Finish by gently zig-zagging the brush through the lashes for a full “false lash effect”. • Best removed with an oil-based eye makeup remover. Description: Gifts by Recipient Taking out the fact that I wasn’t smart and put a regular mascara on my bottom lashes, which I KNEW was a mistake, this is an amazing mascara. If you don’t have a problem spending $16 for a mascara that gives volume, length, and lasts for a long time then you need to pick this mascara up. However, if $16 is a bit steep for you for a mascara or you’re wanting curl more than volume or length then you’re going to want to skip this.
The Maybelline Fit Me foundation comes in a basic glass bottle packaging with a screw cap. I know some ladies would prefer a pump dispenser however I don’t really mind it now since- pump or no pump, I can’t apply a foundation directly on my face. I have to take it on my hand and then apply it with a brush or beauty sponge. So pump isn’t really a big deal considering the fact that it is quite affordable. One sure needs to be a little cautious while pouring out the foundation since the bottle has a wide rim and there is a chance that one might pour out more than required quantities. I know how difficult it is to find the right foundation shade, so I’ve come up with this Maybelline Fit Me shade finder. You’ll get to see how each Fit Me foundation shade looks like on a model AND the Maybelline Fit Me concealer shade that goes with it.