One of the victims of the terrorist attack in Crocus, Moscow, “I pretended to be dead.”

One of the victims of the terrorist attack in Crocus, Moscow, “I pretended to be dead.”


A preliminary toll: at least 62 people were killed and at least 145 others were injured in an armed attack on a concert hall near the capital, Moscow, according to the Russian Federal Security Service.


The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack, according to Reuters.


The organization said in a statement posted on Telegram that its fighters “attacked a large gathering on the outskirts of the Russian capital, Moscow,” and added that the fighters “withdrew to their bases safely.”


ahmed salem

مؤسسة مجلة كيميت الآن، حاصلة على درجة الماجستير، مؤمنة بالحريات والإنسانية، مهتمة بنشر الاخبار علي مستوي العالم ، فكما يقال أن القلم أقوى من السيف.

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